Message to AUL clubs from secretary Martin Conlon

If your club is entering the Munster Junior Cup or the FAI Junior Cup, I must have the forms back immediately as the closing dates are as follows: FAI Junior Cup, 21 August 2006 and the Munster Junior Cup: on or before 1 September. All forms for National or Provincial cups must be returned to the Hon. Secretary of the League and not returned direct to the FAI Junior or Munster Councils.

FAI junior cup forms are now available from me. Please contact me on 087-7937815 to make arrangements for collecting them. They will be available on Tuesday, 15 August at the Delegate meeting in the Doughcloyne Hotel but they must be filled in and returned to me at the meeting as otherwise they will not be in Dublin on time.

If you wish, I will fill in the form for you but I need the following information:

Name of Club.

League Affiliated to:

Saturday or Sunday (morning or evening) match times:

Hon. Secretary’s name:


Phone: Home: Work: Mobile:

e-mail address: Need not be the Hon. Secretary’s e-mail address:

Emergency Number:


Local Authority or Private:

Colours: Home: Away:

Kick off time:

Please note all teams must have up to date Public Liability Insurance

Policy Number: Renewal Date:

Insurance Company (Not Broker):

Entry Fee is €25 for both competitions.


Martin Conlon, Hon. Secretary, Cork AUL
