2008 Cork Simon Community Football Tournament

The 2008 Cork Simon Football Tournament will take place on Saturday May 10th at the Garryduff Sports Centre. This is the third year that this event has taken place to raise funds to support the work of Cork Simon Community.

16 mixed teams representing companies across Cork will be competing in this fun 6-a-side competition. The Football Tournament is a fantastic opportunity for staff to get together and have fun representing their company while raising money for Cork Simon’s work with people who are homeless.

In 2008, Cork Simon must raise €1.85m to bridge the gap between statutory funding and the cost of running all of our projects and services. With your generosity Cork Simon Community can offer people hope: hope for a better future, for a better quality of life, a way out of homelessness.

Closing date for entries is Friday April 11th. The entry fee is €1,000 per team and with places limited to 16 teams, I urge you to complete the entry form above (double click on form to enlarge) and return it immediately.

If you are unable to participate you may wish make a contribution. Charity donations in excess of €250 are eligible for tax relief.

If you need any further information please don’t hesitate to get in touch on 4929 407 or Leona@corksimoncommunity.ie

Yours sincerely,
Leona WalshBusiness Fundraiser
For further details please e mail Leona Walsh <leona@corksimoncommunity.ie>
