AUL NEWS from Martin Conlon---
--- new fixtures secretary, new rules, Public liability info....

Tony Chambers has taken over as fixture secretary for the new season. His contact number is 087-7937783 and his address is 17 Friars Avenue, off Blarney Street, Cork.
Tony can be contacted at the following times regarding fixtures:
Monday 6 pm to 9 pm
Tuesday 6 pm to 9 pm
Thursday 6 pm to 9 pm
Friday 6 pm to 9 pm
Saturday 10 am to 1 pm
Sunday 9 am to 12 noon
He will not be available at any time outside of these times.
The league will be starting on the weekend of 23/24 August.

Public Liability insurance certificates

All public liability insurance certificates must have the following on them: “This Policy includes a specific indemnity to The Cork Athletic Union Football League and its OFFICERS”. All clubs have to do is to tell their insurance company of the wording and it will be inserted for them. Any certificate that we receive this season that does have this wording on it will be returned to the club and they will be deemed to be in breech of the rule regarding public liability and will be open to sanction for not obeying the rule which can lead to games being fixed and then cancelled with the game being awarded to their opponents.

New rules:

A number of new rules were passed at the AGM as follows:
Any team adjudged to have given a walkover will be fined by the management committee with a minimum of €150 to apply.
All players that play in the Cork Athletic Union Football League must be register on a Cork Athletic Union Football League registration form before they are eligible to play within the league.
A player may not register with more than two clubs in any one season.

Any team that gives two (2) or more walkover in any one season will be sanctioned by the league up to and including being removed from all competitions.

The Football Association of Ireland also amended their rules recently with the following having particular affect on us:
Rule 33:
a) The registration period for the amateur game shall be 1 June to 31 March inclusive for the winter season.
b) The two (2) transfer periods for the amateur game shall be 1 June to 30 September inclusive and 1 December to 31 January inclusive. An amateur player may be signed on a professional contract for the professional game during the professional registration period c) if a player’s registration/contract expires naturally at the end of his current season (31 May winter/30 November summer) a transfer form is not required for the player to register with another club in another league. Players registered with clubs whose fixtures extend beyond the above dates are committed to these clubs until those fixtures are completed.

Rule 112 Cautions (Yellow Cards) The yellow card rule will be implemented by the league in the new season and the minimum penalties for receiving yellow cards in a game can be viewed in the FAI rules which may be viewed on
