Revised Saxone Cup 1st Round

Ties to be played weekend 4/5th September

Ard-na-Laoi v Killowen

Waterloo v Inter City Cel

Crescent Ath v Watergrasshill Utd

Hibernians "A" v Castle Cel

Carrigaline Utd v Wilton Utd "B"

CFC Banteer v Leeview Ath

City Wanderers v Millstreet Cel

Central Rovers v Dunbar Cel "B"

Innishvilla v Macroom "B"

Coachford "B" v Springfield "B"

Corkbeg v Casement Cel

Ballintotis v Ballyvolane "B"

Kinsale "B" v Rylane Cel

Churchvilla v Cathedral Cel

Brooklodge Utd v Blackpool Cel

Bye to second round – Glanworth Utd
