Roll Of Honor (Season 2012-13)

Roll of Honour for season 2012-13

AOH Cup: Killumney Utd (Douglas Hall)

Linnane Cup: Killumney United (Blarney Street)

County Cup: Richmond (Hibernians)

City Challenge Cup: Glenthorn Celtic (Dillon’s Cross Athletic).

St Michael’s Cup:  Village United (Riverstown-Brooklodge).

Saxone Cup: Hibernians (CFC Banteer).

President’s Cup: Glen Celtic B (Newmarket).

Corinthians Cup: Ballinhassig A (Waterloo).

Premier League: Coachford (Park United)

Premier A: Glen Celtic (Kilreen Celtic).

AUL 1: Village United (Lakewood)

AUL 1A: Glenthorn Celtic (Glenvale)

AUL 2: Waterloo (Donoughmore)

AUL 2A: Hibernians (Dunbar Celtic)

AUL 3: Afton Villa (Richmond B)

AUL 3A: Glen Celtic B (Leeview)

AUL 3B: Rylane Celtic (Newmarket)
