A Huge Selection from March April 1997

A Huge Selection from March April 1997
Ref: R344 R345 R347 R350 R351 R352

Thanks to many of you for sharing and retweeting these pics. Quite a few clubs are not on Facebook or Twitter and others have folded. Please share these photos on the internet as best you can as a lot of work has gone into scanning them. Be sure too to download and keep copies for your own club.
Blarneyx Utd Coca winners Apr 97 R351

Blarney Utd Coca winners Apr 97 R351

Hill Celtic Apr97 R352 Watergrasshillx

Hillingtonx ST Ml's final Apr 97 R352
Ballincolligx Apr97 R351

Blarneyx Utd Coca winners Apr 97 R351
Leedsx MSL Youths Apr97 R350
Macroomx Team of Mont Mar 97 R347
Corkbegx Mar 97 R344
Ballyvolanex Mar 97 R345

Douglasx Celtic Mar97 R345
