Team Selection from October 1997

Team Selection from October 1997
Ref: R379, R380, R381
Thanks to many of you for sharing and retweeting these pics. Quite a few clubs are not on Facebook or Twitter and others have folded. Please share these photos on the internet as best you can as a lot of work has gone into scanning them and do please credit the photographer Billy Lyons. Be sure too to download and keep copies for your own club.
Bandonx Oct 97 R379
Ballinloughx Grattanx OCT 97 R380

Ballinlough Grattan OCT 97 R380

Ballinlough Grattan OCT 97 R380

Grangevalex team

Ballinhassigx Oct97 R381

College Corinthiansx ToM Oct97 R381

Greenmountx Rangers B Oct97 R381
Leesidex B Oct 97 R380

Greenmountx Rangers Oct97 R379
