Football on Grass. And Other Surfaces. October 1998

Football on Grass. And Other Surfaces. October 1998 
Ref: R447 R448 R449
Thanks to many of you for sharing and retweeting these pics. Quite a few clubs are not on Facebook or Twitter and others have folded. Please share these photos on the internet as best you can as a lot of work has gone into scanning them. When sharing individual photos on social media, please credit @CorkBilly on Facebook . Be sure too to download and keep copies for your own club.

Churchvillax Oct 98 R448

Leesidex Oct 98 R448

Macroomx Oct 98 R448

Brooklodgex Oct98 R447

Churchvillax Oct98 R447

Exzec35x Oct98 R447

Scheringx Plough Oct98 R447

Douglasx H syn pitch Oct98 R449

Hillingtonx 18s OCT 98 R449

Kilreenx Cel 18s Oct98 R449

Kilreen Cel 18s Oct98 R449

Leesidex scorer K Murphy Oct98 R449

Mayfieldx 17s Oct 98 R449

Templex 17s Oct98 R449
