Moving into Winter '99; the Games go on.

Moving into Winter '99; the Games go on.
November December 1999
Ref: R539 R540 R541 R542 R543
Thanks to many of you for sharing and retweeting these pics. Quite a few clubs are not on Facebook or Twitter and others have folded. Please share these photos on the internet as best you can as a lot of work has gone into scanning them and please acknowledge the source . Be sure too to download and keep copies for your own club.

Casementx Celtic Dec 99 R543
Greenwoodx Dec 99

Fairviewx Dec 99 R542

St J Bosco'sx B DEC 99 R542
Leesidex Dec 99 R541

Pearsex v Leesidex Dec 99 R541
Mayfieldx Dec 99 R540

Ringmahonx R Dec99 R540

Cork AULx Oscar Nov99 R539

MSLx Oscar Nov99 R539
