Grattan United v Lee Rangers 05.02.05

Grattanx United v Leex Rangers 05.02.05
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Grattan's Darren Geaney goes highest. Murphy's Stout AOH Cup, O'Neill Park 05.02.05, Grattan Utd 3 Lee Rangers 1, -- Billy Lyons 

Lenny Mullins tackles Grattan's Niall Collins (left) and knocks the ball into touch. Murphy's Stout AOH Cup, O'Neill Park 05.02.05, Grattan Utd 3 Lee Rangers 1, -- Billy Lyons 

Grattan Utd, 3-1 advance in AOH.

Lee Rangers made 3-1 AOH exit

Dave O'Brien gets his foot to the ball while under pressure from Darren Geaney. Murphy's Stout AOH Cup, O'Neill Park 05.02.05, Grattan Utd 3 Lee Rangers 1, -- Billy Lyons 

Grattan's Niall Collins keeps his balance well as Ray O'Connell attacks. Murphy's Stout AOH Cup, O'Neill Park 05.02.05, Grattan Utd 3 Lee Rangers 1, -- Billy Lyons 

Dave O'Brien beats Grattan's Alan O'Riordan to the ball. Murphy's Stout AOH Cup, O'Neill Park 05.02.05, Grattan Utd 3 Lee Rangers 1, -- Billy Lyons 

Sean Mullins of Lee Rangers, under pressure from Alan O'Brien (10) and Darren Geaney. Murphy's Stout AOH Cup, O'Neill Park 05.02.05, Grattan Utd 3 Lee Rangers 1, -- Billy Lyons 

Three Grattan officials: 

Lee Rangers striker Dave O'Donovan getting away from Harry Goulding. Murphy's Stout AOH Cup, O'Neill Park 05.02.05, Grattan Utd 3 Lee Rangers 1, -- Billy Lyons 

Walking the dog. Lee Rangers keeper Arthur Walker had more than the Grattan forwards to deal with. Murphy's Stout AOH Cup, O'Neill Park 05.02.05, Grattan Utd 3 Lee Rangers 1, -- Billy Lyons 
