MossieLinnane League Cup
Quarter Final Draw
Pearse Celtic A v Glen Celtic
Bohemians v Innishvilla A
Coachford v Knocknaheeny Celtic
Village Utd v Kanturk
St Michael’s Cup 1st Round
UCC v Southcoast Ath
Springfield v Kilmichael Rovers
Rylane Celtic v CFC Banteer
Strand Utd v Blackpool Celtic
Dunbar Celtic v Cathedral Celtic
All other teams have a bye to 2nd Round
Saxone Cup 1st Round
Killumney Utd v Blackstone Rovers
Knockraha v Castleview
Bweeng Celtic v Innishvilla B
St John Boscos B v Cloughduv Celtic
All other teams have a bye to 2nd Round
Presidents Cup Quarter Finals
Watergrasshill Utd v Parkview Celtic
Pearse Celtic B v Los Zarcos
Ballinhassig v Ard Na Laoi
Macroom B v Churchvilla
