Passage v Carrigtwohill Utd 25.02.06

Passagex v Carrigtwohillx Utd 25.02.06
Close Control by Gavin O'Connor of Passage, under pressure from Ian Kenny. AOH Cup, Passage 1 Carrigtwohill 0, Rockenham, 25.02.06, Billy Lyons.
Carrig keeper Adrian Kidney, under pressure from Aidan Whitty. AOH Cup, Passage 1 Carrigtwohill 0, Rockenham, 25.02.06, Billy Lyons.

Carrig's Ian Kenny (left) puts pressure on Gavin O'Connor. AOH Cup, Passage 1 Carrigtwohill 0, Rockenham, 25.02.06, Billy Lyons.

Carrig's Ian Kenny boots clear against Ciaran McGarry and Aidan Whitty (right). AOH Cup, Passage 1 Carrigtwohill 0, Rockenham, 25.02.06, Billy Lyons.

Senan Andrews (left) and Carrig's Mark Nolan (right) jump for it. AOH Cup, Passage 1 Carrigtwohill 0, Rockenham, 25.02.06, Billy Lyons.

Simon McGarry (Passage) tussles with Derek Healy (right).  AOH Cup, Passage 1 Carrigtwohill 0, Rockenham, 25.02.06, Billy Lyons.

Gavin O'Connor jumps as he trys to block the clearance of Carrig's Dave Barry. AOH Cup, Passage 1 Carrigtwohill 0, Rockenham, 25.02.06, Billy Lyons.
