Ard-na-Laoi v Leeds 28.10.07

Ard-na-Laoix v Leedsx 28.10.07
Leeds advance in AOH Cup

Caption/Description: Ard-na-Laoi, played well in defeat. AOH Cup, Ard-na-Laoi 0 Leeds A 3, Leemount, 28.10.07, Billy Lyons 

Caption/Description: Ard-na-Laoi's Gary Lucey takes the ball as Liam Ahern slips. AOH Cup, Ard-na-Laoi 0 Leeds A 3, Leemount, 28.10.07, Billy Lyons 

Caption/Description: Derec Czernicki heads on past Leeds Colm McCarthy. AOH Cup, Ard-na-Laoi 0 Leeds A 3, Leemount, 28.10.07, Billy Lyons

Caption/Description: Derec Czernicki (right) and Alan Holland of Leeds. AOH Cup, Ard-na-Laoi 0 Leeds A 3, Leemount, 28.10.07, Billy Lyons

Caption/Description: Leeds scorer Barry Lawlor loses out to Derec Czernicki. AOH Cup, Ard-na-Laoi 0 Leeds A 3, Leemount, 28.10.07, Billy Lyons

Caption/Description: Colm Healy stretches to clear for Ard-na-Laoi. AOH Cup, Ard-na-Laoi 0 Leeds A 3, Leemount, 28.10.07, Billy Lyons
