AUL Photos from 29 years ago. Mayfield Utd, Ard-na-Laoi, referees

AUL Photos from 29 years ago.

Mayfield Utd, Ard-na-Laoi, referees

Pics (other than undated Mayfield) taken:" Feb 1994, Ref: R190/191

Undated Mayfield United - anyone got the exact date?
Players are 
Front: Jonathan O’Sullivan, Ian Mulcahy, John Warren, Pat Keane, Steven Lyons, Stephen Long.Back: Kieran Milner, Gary Sweeney, Derek Foley, Alan Kenneally, Stuart Kiely, Stephen McCarthy, Vincent Long and Ken Dorgan

Ref John O'Donovan

Ref Pat Walsh

Ref Mark O'Flynn

Mayfieldx United
