AUL photos from 29 years ago. + A 1956 Special. Teams: AUL, Temple Utd, Mayfield Utd, Passage.

AUL photos from 29 years ago. + A 1956 Special

Teams: AUL, Temple Utd, Mayfield Utd, Passage.

Pics (aside from Oscar, ref R 205) taken June 1994 Ref: R204

Temple Utd Corinthians Cup winners Jun 94 R204

Temple Utd Corinthians Cup winners Jun 94 R204

Temple Utd Corinthians Cup winners Jun 94 R204

Steven Lyons Mayfield Utd.

Mayfield United, Corinthians Cup finalists.

The Cork AUL 1956 Oscar Traynor Cup team


Passage won the 1994 AOH Cup and here manager Flor Mehigan
and long-serving chairman Jim Murphy are pictured
with the late Tony Fitzgerald (Cork AUL). Below
Jim lifts the AOH at the Cross.
