AUL Photos from 29 Years Ago. Clubs: Douglas Hall, Everton, Passage, Blarney Utd, Northvilla, Wilton Utd, Temple Utd, Referees, Castleview, Ballincollig

 AUL Photos from 29 Years Ago.

Clubs: Douglas Hall, Everton, Passage, Blarney Utd, Northvilla, Wilton Utd, Temple Utd, Referees, Castleview, Ballincollig.

Douglas Hall Murphy semi May 95 R250

Everton Murphy semi May 95 R250

Passage Premier Lge May 95 R249

Blarney Utd 18s 2A play-off May 95 R249

Northvilla Premier A champs May 95 R249

Wilton Utd U17 D2 champs May 95 r249

Castleview U17 D2 2nd May 95 R249

Temple  Utd Team of the Month May 95 R250

Referees Murphy Cup semi May 95 R250

Castleview Murphy Cup semi May 95 R250

Ballincollig Murphy semi May 95 R250

Clubs searching, add small  x to end of main word: Douglasx Hall, Evertonx, Passagex, Blarneyx Utd, Northvillax, Wiltonx Utd, Templex Utd, Refereesx, Castleviewx Ballincolligx
